Rabu, 08 Desember 2010

motivation word

ini ada beberapa kata-kata motivasi yang gw dapet dari website,lumayan keren,semoga bisa memotivasi!!=)

I am here to tell you that there is another way. It’s not for everyone. It’s not the only way. It’s not the easier way. Actually, it is more likely to be the harder way. But I guarantee you it is the best way. It is simply this – follow your dreams

Your potential as a human being…is unlimited. You have within you the ability to become and to achieve anything you want

There is a big difference between wishing and being a dreamer. Dreamers design their ideal life and work to achieve it everyday. They don’t believe in chance or luck. Wishers wait on a genii to grant their three wishes all their lives. The problem is, if the genii were to ever show up they still wouldn’t know what to wish for!

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